Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My House on North Street

536 North Street
Oh my goodness!  I have not been able to blog in what seems like forever!  I have missed blogging.  It is frustrating to be in a place with poor internet.  Can you even believe that there are places with poor or spotty internet? Well, there are and I believe I have visited all of them.   

In the latter part of September we were parked in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, then Hartford, Wisconsin, the following week.  It proved to be a perfect time to take a trip down memory lane.

When I entered fifth grade we moved to this house on 536 North Street in West Bend. We had lived in an apartment in Milwaukee.  Even ncluding my married life, it remains the house I called home for the longest amount of time. 

North Street was a great place to be a kid, even though I had to share a bedroom with my sister.  Living next door in this house there were ten kids! In our family we were five kids, so if you were up for a game, chances are you could find someone who was ready to go.  The house across the street also had ten kids.  I thought every kid got to play kick the can, touch (shove) football, ride bikes around the neighborhood (which encompassed about 10 blocks), go sledding -- on cardboard in the summer and on real sleds in the winter -- down Suicide Hill. (When I saw the hill this trip I was less than impressed by its fearsomeness.)

While I was away at college, my family moved to a new house.  It was much roomier and out in the country, but there were no neighbors with tons of kids.  I felt bad for my younger siblings missing out on the adventure that made my childhood so much fun. 

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