Monday, March 12, 2018

A Song and a Super Hero

This lovely young lady is named Sabra too! When we introduced ourselves to the school secretary at one of our long ago stops when my hair was brown, I was informed that a student had transferred recently and her name - Sabra. My response was, "You are kidding, I have NEVER met another person named Sabra." It was a treat to have our picture taken together.

When I was growing up I never had a license plate for my bike that said, "Sabra." In high school all my friends laughed at the way sports announcers massacred my name. It became a team joke. I have had mail come to me addressed to Sabarbara, Sabrina, Salora, Zombra, Sandra or even Debra and thought it is a good thing I answer to anything close!  My son, Travis, directed me to a great song, Sabra Girl by Nickel Creek. It is my morning alarm. :) My word of wisdom for this young lady would be - don't take yourself or the correct pronounciation of your name too seriously and WE have a Super Hero! 

Super Hero - Sabra

Saturday, March 10, 2018


 We have witnessed many "close calls" over the years, and some of them could easily have been us.  It only takes a little distraction and wham, you back right over a stump.  

I took these photos while sitting at my desk after knocking on my window and yelling, STOP, but it was rather a lot like yelling at your TV. 

The RV owner was able to move forward with minimal damage to the undercarriage and much wiser.  
The RV park maintenance man showed up shortly after with a chainsaw in hand.

There can be a lot of drama watching people move in and out.  Colorful language and lots of yelling are always fun, but you can spot the seasoned RV'ers: barely a word passes between them, just hand signals and nodding of the head - poetry!

I have found myself running after folks waving my arms as they are pulling out of their campsite with a door open, the TV antenna extended or even air vents open.  

We have been through two TV antennas, lost fenders, a broom fell out of an open door - "Excuse me," said the nice lady in the car in the next lane, "but your broom fell out." We have even driven over a plastic wheel chock. Those things can explode, given enough pressure.

We have a checklist of sorts and never celebrate moving day in a hurry.  It takes about 2 hours to prepare the move, including hitching up haRVey. 

And always as we hit the road we say responsively, 
Initiator:       Lord be with us as we travel, 
Respondant:  that our house may not unravel.

Good Stuff We Love

We are celebrating ten years of this joyful journey and I can honestly say that almost every day is my favorite.