Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Joy in Houston

Thank you, new friends, for the gift of time together!
Summerwood Elementary School in Houston, Texas, takes on a whole new look each Sunday when it houses Joy Lutheran Church.  Members of Joy take to the school cafeteria/gym and set up chairs, the sound equipment, the altar, the refreshment goodies, and are ready to greet any and all.  It is a mission church - vibrant and growing! 

We couldn't help noticing that one of the school's cafeteria posters - our guess was that it was made by a student as a helpful learning exercise - was particularly appropriate for a worship service: "No tooting or belching at others seated at your table." 

Pastor John and his wife, Linda, took us out for lunch so we could all eat yummy nearly authentic Mexican comfort food (I think cheese is their nod to the American palate). 
During our lunch conversation we, of course, discovered a number of people we have in common. 

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