Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mount St. Helens

The small white dot on the parking lot down below is our truck. While visiting Mount St. Helens, we hiked up 487 steps to get a better view of Spirit Lake.

As we were leaving the parking lot we could not help but notice Alicia, a National Forest Service biologist, who was waving dramatically at a truck quickly driving out of the lot at the end of the Friday work day.... Alicia's car keys were still in the truck.
So we stopped to see if we could help and we could. Why? Because we have Verizon and she has T-Mobile. We called the Ranger Station to see if someone could intercept the truck with Alicia's car keys. After about one hour all was settled. Alicia did not have to spend the night on the mountain, we learned about measuring willow tree saplings without cutting them, and that pumice rock does indeed float, although only for a short amount of time.

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