Thursday, April 30, 2015

The States of Roaming

You know this sign says Missouri, it is just MISSing.


I have skipped/missed a few states y'all.

In Missouri :)

Missed the actual sign, but as you can see we are in Louisiana

I am sure they mean this in a nice way. 

Worst camping ever - left me in a terrible STATE!

Missed the sign - again.  Apparently 50 mph is too fast for me.

North??? Carolina - 50mph is still too fast.

Virginia, no comment on speed

We spent three weeks in Maryland - Bel Air, Bowie, and Pasadena. Thank you. 

We are parked in Lancaster, PA for a few days then off to New York - I might be able to add another state photo, then again maybe not.  This post logs our journey since October 2014.  There is much more to say about the people and the ministry, but for now, as  STATED, it has been and continues to be a wonderful life journey. 

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