Thursday, May 28, 2015


If I am not in Canada, nor the U.S.A - where am I?

Early May found us singing for the East District Convention of the  Lutheran Church-Canada hosted in Kitchener, Ontario.  

I enjoyed getting to know some of the people. I loved their accent, plus I noticed some interesting things I really like about Canada.
This is a bike rack. I like this.
There are no "restrooms", only washrooms.

In restaurants if you pay with a credit card this little gizmo is brought right to your table and your credit card NEVER leaves your sight. I really like this.

I can't believe it doesn't run out of water. The circled person is noted for perspective which I cleverly cut out of the photo.
Niagara Falls is more beautiful on the Canadian side.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The States of Roaming

You know this sign says Missouri, it is just MISSing.


I have skipped/missed a few states y'all.

In Missouri :)

Missed the actual sign, but as you can see we are in Louisiana

I am sure they mean this in a nice way. 

Worst camping ever - left me in a terrible STATE!

Missed the sign - again.  Apparently 50 mph is too fast for me.

North??? Carolina - 50mph is still too fast.

Virginia, no comment on speed

We spent three weeks in Maryland - Bel Air, Bowie, and Pasadena. Thank you. 

We are parked in Lancaster, PA for a few days then off to New York - I might be able to add another state photo, then again maybe not.  This post logs our journey since October 2014.  There is much more to say about the people and the ministry, but for now, as  STATED, it has been and continues to be a wonderful life journey. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Sweet Life

Our dear friends of MANY years and at each get together the years fall off and it is yesterday! 

We enjoy our New friends too. Pastor Arnie in Clearwater, Florida

A little filing before singing.

Singing and telling everyone about Jesus is a Great joy for us.

A bike ride on a sunny day!  Indeed, a Sweet Life. Thanks be to God.

Dinner is Served!


At Epiphany in Tallahassee, Florida, members get together weekly to put together enough food to feed about 150 homeless people.  This is only part of the operation: buttering bread, boiling the noodles, mixing up the Chicken Alfredo, transport, then serving, another step. Each member doing their part and handing it off to the next. It makes everyone part of the whole and serving.
I only watched the busy hands working, because (and I understand this) my help would slow them down! 
I LOVE to see the Body of Christ in action.   

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

So, Three Mice Go Into an RV

Once upon a time a lovely young, young beautiful lady discovered water on the floor in her RV.  She hastily removed everything from the area and punched out - without breaking, the panel where the water seemed to be concentrated.  Low and behold she cleverly discovered a leak in a plumbing connection. Noting how wet the area was she deduced it had been leaking for quite some time.  Her tall, handsome and handy husband set about fixing the gusher. The glamorous couple decided to leave the panel off to dry out the area and keep an eye on the hose.  

That very evening the pair returned to their RV mansion and, when they turned on the lights, to the horror of the beautiful and normally quite self-possessed woman, she spied a mouse looking up at them with eyes that quickly turned from surprise to panic. As the rodent darted this way and that, searching for cover, the woman, though quite ruffled, did not jump up on a chair and squeal, yet was plainly adamant in her declaration that the mouse and/or mice had to go!

Her brave and diligent husband bought mouse traps to catch the "only" mouse in the house.  Now, however, the very beautiful woman is left to ponder this: if you have captured three mice over the course of four days, how many more can there be? When did they decide to join us on our tour? And can any of the remaining mice play an instrument? Can they carry equipment? But really, what does it matter? We don't negotiate with rodentists.

PS: I have no photos because who wants to see a dead mouse with his head caught in a.... well, never mind.