Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bruce's Beatles Birthday Blog!

It is not every year you get to celebrate a birthday reminiscent of your youth.  Note the very "cool" band topping the cake - The look alike group called the "Go-go Swingers," but looking at the Paul McCartney lefty bass player; clearly, The Beatles.  The fun did not stop at the nicely appointed cake.
We also played Beatles Jeopardy! Barb outdid herself in setting up this soon-to-be boxed set sold in stores everywhere. Catagories:  All about Albums; Date Data; Lyrical Luck; etc... Each category was challenging and Barb, in true Alex Trebeck style, was a fine Game Show Host.Following Jeopardy, we moved on to play Rock Band - Beatles.  We all knew the songs, although we could not quite match the REAL Beatles talent.  It was a very enjoyable evening filled with laughter.

Game Show Host - Barb Laabs

Birthday boy Bruce