Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Cultural Experience

This past Sunday we sang at Lord Of Life in Stockbridge, Georgia, just outside Atlanta.  This church location is also home to Holy Cross, a Laotian group of believers.  While we were singing hymns in English, downstairs, Holy Cross was praising the Lord in Lao. Once a month they have a joint service and the pastors coordinate so that everyone can follow what is being said.

On this particular day following the worship service we were invited to a potluck. In any language "potluck" means good food.  Holy Cross was the hosting church and my what a treat!    

Spring Rolls!

Fresh rolls in the foreground and lots of interesting dishes to try.

Dave, my dear cousin Kathy, her hubby Rick, and his sweet daughter, Haily.

This dessert item was wonderful.  At first I took a very small portion to try.  When I came back for more, one of the Laotian women said, "I knew you be back!" This dish is made with coconut milk, but I have forgotten the name. 

And this is not even all the rice!
Pastor K.
Pastor K. sat near me during the meal, and I could not help but notice that his plate was filled with mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, jello, and ham.  While my plate was overloaded with spring rolls, fresh rolls, rice, more rice, and tiny portions of everything else I did not recognize. As we were visiting, Pastor K., struggled to find an English word. He said, "after many years in America, my English is still not always good."  The man seated next to him said, " I have been here all of my life and I have trouble too." When I asked about a food I liked some of the Laotian women did not understand me, but then I just smiled, pointed, and said, "yum!" That word they understood. Some conversations are international.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sewing with Barb

Barb, and her hubby Bruce, have been our friends since 1978!  While we were visiting this last summer, she asked if there was any way she could be of help to us in our ministry. Barb is an excellent seamstress.  She uses her gifts in so many ways and is truly delighted to serve. 

When I see beautiful crafts with  intricate patterns or even mats for the homeless made from used plastic grocery bags, I am thankful for the creative people in my life who joyfully share their gifts with others. Thanks, Barb.

Bruce and Barb have supported us in many intangible ways; here are just a few of the tangible ways Barb has been able to help:


A cover for our digital recorder
A cover/carrier for my Nook
A bag for our mixer

A passport, mini purse.  Barb made a number of these, one for each member of our mission team for our trip to Jamaica. Barb, on the right with our friend Gina, who also received an original, hand-made passport holder.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What is That Sound?

On a dark, rainy, early morning we were traveling through St. Louis, Missouri, to sing at a grade school on the other side of town.  As always, we were traveling on unfamiliar roads when we heard a ticking sound rather like an egg timer.  The sound continued with Dave driving and checking the truck lights and the dashboard, while I tried to get a clear listen to where the sound was located.  Our surprise and relief was hilarious when we discovered the now impassioned ticking of our "Catch Phrase" game under papers and muffled by a travel pillow.  Dave had accidentally activated the game with his elbow.  We did not win that round.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hunting and Camping in Tennessee

Big Buck Resort is located about an hour West of Memphis, Tennessee near Hornsby.

We spent a week with Big Buck. 

This was one of our stays which included - no internet and marginal Verizon phone cover.  We were able to use our phones outside ("are you there? Can you hear me now") and we went to the office to work because there was spotty internet coverage.  According to the Verizon map, we had full coverage... not. (end of complaint)

After four full years of life on the road, I have never camped at a place that is all about hunting.  

Although it never specifically stated, we just assumed this sign pertains ONLY to animals.... Stephen King, Dean Koontz, are you there?
It is now the off-season for camping in Tennessee and there were maybe 4 other RV's in the campground which only added to my imagination... Seriously, it was a nice campground with lots of space.

While camping with Big Buck we visited the Civil War battlefield of Shiloh,  what an amazing experience.  When you go, watch the movie, then take the driving tour.  I did not take one single picture!   I was so moved by the sacrifice and heroism  I forgot  to pick up my camera.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Poor haRVey Needs a Makeover!

This is what used to be our tire. How quickly the tire disintegrated while we were traveling at 60 mph down the highway on November 3.

  The plastic fender decoration is missing. It is still sort of intact, a little duct tape will solve the problem, then it will match the other side! Most of the screws holding the fender in place had pulled out leaving the fender blowing in the wind as a result of the tire flying apart.  We had just checked the tires at our last stop. 

This boo-boo happened when we avoided a branch high, but hit the low branch.  Again, a little duct tape problem solved.  We need new plastic fenders on both sides.  

The back tire on this side is the one that blew out when we were on a two-lane highway in Kansas last Spring.

While we were in Decatur, Alabama we decided it was time to lay out the cash for brand spankin' new trailer tires. I am thankful to have new tires.  When the Lord provides more than we need we say, "I wonder what we will need next?" 

Our spare tire getting the once over at OK Tires in Decatur, Alabama.

Yes, indeed I can give you a trade price on this sort of new tire.
Four NEW trailer tires, and a repaired spare!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bales of " Hey, Look at That"

We have been enjoying our week-long stay at Little Mountain Resort  just outside of Guntersville, Alabama.  Of course when folks around here say it, it sounds more like Gunnersvul... Back on topic.

 We have internet AND phone coverage at the same time.  We have not experienced that in awhile.  Lately, as I am making reservations, I ask if the campground has internet/phone coverage.. Back on topic.  
This is a perfectly fine looking bale of hay.  

But aren't the following bales of hay more fun? The camp workers around here like to have a bit of fun.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dan Fogelberg

 Dan Fogelberg  lost his battle with cancer in 2007.  I was introduced to his music in 1977, when this cute guy asked if he could look at my guitar (what a pick up line, eh?)  So, here I am many years later, married to the cute guy, and I still enjoy the music of Dan Folgelberg.

We were traveling back to our campground having just sung for the students at Bethel Lutheran School in Morton, Illinois, when suddenly, Miss Direction interrupts our conversation with her favorite line, "recalculating"!  As we continued to drive down the wrong road I saw a sign that read Dan Fogelberg Memorial.  As much as I like Dan, I did not know he grew up in Peoria, IL.   It was a good adventure on the wrong road which turned out to be the right road. 

A portion of his song "Part of the Plan"
"I never got into music to be the latest, greatest thing.  I'm a musician because that is what I am.  I will create music the I want to whether a million people are listening or no one is listening.  That's not the point of creating music.  The point is following your own creative instincts." ~ Dan Fogelberg

Friday, November 9, 2012

Holy Hill

It was a little tricky - spiral staircases.

There are many views like this one all around the Holy Hill area.
I thought this was very touching

I pray this little girl is dancing!
While we were parked in Hartford, we visited Holy Hill.  I lived about 25 miles from Holy Hill, but never visited.  We chose a blustery day to make the trip, the beautiful Fall color made it worthwhile.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grandpa's Place Up North

The windows are new I remember very small windows.
 These photos show my Grandpa and Grandma's place just north of Wausau, Wisconsin. My grandparents have been dancing in heaven many years now, but the house Grandpa built is still there and so is the big woods.

 I have fond memories of driving up to to visit them. Five kids in a station wagon.   My parents probably felt the trip took six hours - "this is the line! Do NOT touch me." or "Stop making faces at me." And the all time favorite of kids everywhere - "If I have to stop this car..." for 3 1/2 hours from West Bend to Wausau. 

After settling in and playing a few games, we would all pile out of the car at the half-way point, The Cheese Shop in Freemont, Wisconsin, along State Highway 110. We could walk around a bit, go to the bathroom, and choose string cheese or cheese curds for the car snack. The Cheese shop is boarded up, but thankfully we no longer need a unifying family break.

On the trip when I took these photos I was traveling to Wausau, with three of my siblings - it was a great trip the only tense moment? "Shot gun!  I called it." 

The house looks the same and the owners were so kind in allowing us to park and walk through their yard to the woods.
The remains of our maple syrup operation. 

In the Spring, we kids would "help" Grandpa and our dad make maple syrup.  Our job was to  gather wood - until we lost interest... .

In the Fall, sometimes Grandpa would hitch up the wagon - big enough for eight grand kids - to the tractor and take us for a ride through the woods out to the clearing. We had such fun.  

Now that I am a grandma, I hope that I can help make memories that will be treasured up through the years.  It is always a good time when I get together with my siblings and someone starts off with - remember when...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My House on North Street

536 North Street
Oh my goodness!  I have not been able to blog in what seems like forever!  I have missed blogging.  It is frustrating to be in a place with poor internet.  Can you even believe that there are places with poor or spotty internet? Well, there are and I believe I have visited all of them.   

In the latter part of September we were parked in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, then Hartford, Wisconsin, the following week.  It proved to be a perfect time to take a trip down memory lane.

When I entered fifth grade we moved to this house on 536 North Street in West Bend. We had lived in an apartment in Milwaukee.  Even ncluding my married life, it remains the house I called home for the longest amount of time. 

North Street was a great place to be a kid, even though I had to share a bedroom with my sister.  Living next door in this house there were ten kids! In our family we were five kids, so if you were up for a game, chances are you could find someone who was ready to go.  The house across the street also had ten kids.  I thought every kid got to play kick the can, touch (shove) football, ride bikes around the neighborhood (which encompassed about 10 blocks), go sledding -- on cardboard in the summer and on real sleds in the winter -- down Suicide Hill. (When I saw the hill this trip I was less than impressed by its fearsomeness.)

While I was away at college, my family moved to a new house.  It was much roomier and out in the country, but there were no neighbors with tons of kids.  I felt bad for my younger siblings missing out on the adventure that made my childhood so much fun.